4 Myths about Skin Care Exposed by Dermatologist
A dermatologist is a doctor who works in the field of physiology and pathology of the skin. Though, we tried to discover the hidden secrets of good skin and clear the confusion of skin myths from a dermatologist.
What we learned is awe-stuck and simply amazing. The facts are startling and an eye-opener for all beauty conscious souls. This blog will reveal the reality of age-old believes and standards for skincare. One will discover how they were tricked or what an abuse they did to their otherwise blessed skin until. Oxygen Facial Treatment

From now onwards, after reading this blog, many things will be bright, and so are myths being debunked. The dermatologist told the myths, reality and explained how people believe in myths.
Question: Why the myths surface?
Myths surface, due to lack of skills for a precise area of interest. People either create stories and share them. The bad is many people trust them without giving real thoughts.
Myths related to skincare are on sale, as everyone thinks they are experts in skincare. Some experiment home-baked theories and also advocate them openly. Though, from one to another, such myths are marketed.
The best way to expose such harmful practices for skin is to know the truth.
There’s no benefit in hiding the right, transparent, honest, and straightforward solutions for your skincare. Unluckily people don’t follow it, and myths are being preached.
Say no to skin myth.
Hot water is adequate in opening pores
Reality: Pores are not influenced by temperatures; secondly, they are not susceptible to temperature. Extreme hot water can be damaging for your skin, as the upper layer of skin will swell. Eventually, it can lead to wrinkles and boost the course of aging. The best practice is to wash face with lukewarm water.
Laser Hair Removal is not helpful and safe
Reality: According to experts the industry, the standard laser has an efficiency of 85% to 95% in reducing unwanted body hairs. They are permanently removed. The rest 10% to 5% is eliminated in other sessions, and with the first session, they lack in coarseness. It’s also safe and has no side-effects if done from a registered clinic.
Wash your face several times
Reality: Washing face many times in a day will lead to skin dryness and parched skin. Further, it can lead to irritation of the skin, and washing with soap can also lead to the darkening of complexion. One should always opt for mild cleanser and facewash. Face should be washed with Lukewarm water and twice a day or when you return house.
Anti-Aging products or treatments are for the late ’30s and mid-’40s
Reality: Aging as no fixed time to set, so it’s advised to begin anti-aging care as early as possible. The sooner it starts, the better it’s. You can always start from the ’20s to remain young for a long time. Also, being elegant and youthful takes a lot of effort. So, don’t fall prey to this cruel lie.
Read more: Anti Ageing Scarring Treatment
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